Your contact to us

Please tell us about your request. Whether tax returns, bookkeeping or tax advice. A conversation is the best and most direct form of communication. So pick up the phone and call us directly. Of course you can also send us an e-mail or fill out the contact form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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How to find us

By car

Enter the following address in your navigation device or Google Maps:

Schillerstr. 7
57250 Netphen

From Kronprinzenstraße turn directly into Schillerstraße. The house is on the right-hand side. There is a free parking lot in front of the house.

By public transportation

If you are traveling by public transport, take the R27 bus in the direction of Bad Berleburg ZOB. From the bus stop “Netphen Brücke” it is about 3 minutes/240m on foot via Kronprinzenstraße to Schillerstraße 7.